Homeschool Club

A partnership with the Holly Hill Library.

Homeschool Club is open to all homeschool families (it is not limited to co-op members) and takes place September thru November and February thru May. So, bring your entire family to the Holly Hill Library every 2nd and 4th Tuesday and find something for everyone to enjoy.

Your littles (6 and under), will get to participate in an educationally themed story & song time, while also tackling hands on activities that correspond to what they’re learning.

And, since we know board games teach critical thinking, build strategic skills, and are just plain fun, we will be hosting a “Game Time” for kids 7 and up. Your children & teens can bring their favorite game or choose one available onsite. Our game club leaders will make sure everyone is included.

An area with free play items will be available to help parents keep babies & toddlers occupied as well.

And, once your activity is over, spend time looking for some great books to take home for your family to read.

To reserve your family a place, please call the Holly Hill Library at 803-496-7177 or visit our Facebook page to RSVP directly on the event (preferred).